Here for the $25 Mental Health Therapy in Spartanburg, SC?
You're in the right place! There's no catch (check out the FAQ section below). I'm currently offering $25/therapy sessions to the Spartanburg and surrounding communities. No insurance needed. No referral needed.
Now Offering Virtual Telehealth Appointments!

Hi! I'm Rachel. Your (soon to be) therapist and Spartanburg resident.
My Mantra

​My goal is to provide you with a safe, affordable, and healing space to be exactly who you are. Because you deserve more than just tolerance — you deserve to be heard, understood, and supported in every step of your journey

Do You Only Accept LGBTQ+ Clients?
No. I accept ALL clients, regardless of how they identify. Here's a few of the most frequent types of mental health therapy that I provide:
Individual Therapy
Couples Therapy
Marriage Therapy
General Relationship Therapy
Child, Adolescent, & Teen Therapy
Family Therapy
LGBTQ+ Affirmative Therapy
Attachment-Based Therapy
So, regardless if you've been dealing with anxiety and depression or grief and loss, I am here to not only support you, but to create a calm, safe space so that we can understand and navigate the issues and concerns that you have. I'm here for you.
About Rachel

I'm a soon-to-be licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT) here in Spartanburg, SC. I'm currently on the last leg of the LMFT program which includes providing therapy under the supervision of a LMFT (I'm currently under the supervision of Susan Lea Therapy, LLC).
Growing up in the South, I've seen firsthand the lack of affordable mental health support and resources available in our community. After years of observing my friends and family navigate countless traumatic events without access to affordable mental health therapy services, it became clear to me that my purpose as a therapist is to serve those who need it the most.​

$25 Mental Health Therapy in Spartanburg?
I get it — Most mental health therapy isn't cheap, so you're probably wondering what the catch is with my $25/session rate.
It is quite simple though: As part of the LMFT licensure process, I'm required by the state to provide a few thousand hours of professional mental health therapy services under the supervision of a local LMFT (I'm working with Susan Lea Therapy, LLC in Spartanburg). As a client, you'll receive the same, professional, one-on-one, and tailored services as you would with any licensed therapist, and I'll be getting closer to meeting my required hours so I can officially be considered a LMFT by the state.
Now Offering Virtual Telehealth Appointments!
If you're not able to make it to to the office in Spartanburg for a one-on-one, in person therapy session, that's no problem! I can provide virtual/telehealth therapy sessions as well. Whatever is convenient for you. If you're interested, click here to schedule a quick, 10 minute chat to discuss your goals. No insurance needed. No referral needed.
Ready To Begin Your Journey?
Use the calendar below to schedule a free 10-15 minute introductory phone call where we will briefly discuss your goals (if you know them), your availability, and answer any questions you may have.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are your therapy services really only $25?
Yes! As part of the LMFT licensure process, I'm required by the state to provide a few thousand hours of professional mental health therapy services under the supervision of a local LMFT (I'm working with Susan Lea Therapy, LLC in Spartanburg). As a client, you'll receive the same, professional and tailored services as you would with any licensed therapist, and I'll be getting closer to meeting my required hours so I can officially be considered a LMFT by the state. The $25/session rate is simply to cover administrative fees as required by my program — it does not go to me.
How does it work?
Just like any other mental health therapy! We will meet at the office (downtown Spartanburg) and will have our session in a private room (unless you're a virtual therapy client). You get all of the perks and benefits of boutique mental health therapy at a fraction of the cost. If you prefer virtual/telehealth therapy, I can provide that as well.
And in case you're wondering, all therapy sessions are conducted in a manner to be compliant with all HIPAA regulations and requirements!
What can I expect during a therapy session?
During our therapy session, you can expect a safe and confidential environment where you can openly discuss your thoughts and feelings. I will listen attentively, offer thought-provoking guidance, and work collaboratively with you to explore solutions and promote personal growth.
How do I schedule an appointment?
It is pretty simple! First, you'll click this link (or use the "schedule now" button at the top of the page. This will allow you to schedule a quick & free 10-15 minute introductory call with me to discuss your goals, availability, and ask any questions before our first session.
Once we have our first therapy session on the books, you'll visit the office in downtown Spartanburg (Magnolia & St. John), where we will hold our in-person meetings or if you prefer, we can hold our therapy session virtually via telehealth.
Does the price increase after the first session?
Nope! Your pricing stays the same. Truly, there's no catch!
Do I need insurance or a referral?
Nope. No insurance needed and no referral needed.
Where do you conduct therapy sessions? Can you travel?
Spartanburg, SC (specifically, Magnolia & St. John Street) - We will hold our therapy sessions in a private setting at the office of Susan Lea Therapy, LLC (my LMFT supervisor). I also offer virtual telehealth therapy sessions for remote clients, if that works better for you.
Does your "supervisor" sit in on our therapy sessions?
No. You'll meet me at the therapy office in downtown Spartanburg, SC, where we will have our one-on-one private therapy sessions in a private room at my supervisor's office (Susan Lea Therapy, LLC) - unless you prefer virtual/telehealth therapy.
Every licensed marriage and family therapist is required to conduct a certain number of "supervised" hours based on their state's requirements. You'll only be interacting with me though, in a traditional one-on-one therapy setting. The "supervision" portion is simply a "technicality" on my end, where my supervisor serves as a "mentor" of sorts, making sure I'm providing the best therapy to my clients as possible. Chances are, you would be none the wiser to the fact that I'm practicing under "supervision" unless otherwise informed.
Do you offer virtual/telehealth/video mental health therapy?
Yes! If you're not able to make it to to the office in Spartanburg for a one-on-one, in person therapy session, that's no problem! I can provide virtual telehealth therapy sessions as well. Whatever is convenient for you. If you're interested, click here to schedule a free and quick, 10 minute chat to discuss your goals. No insurance needed. No referral needed.
Have more questions?
Great! That probably means you're serious about mental health! Send me a message using the Contact page and I'll personally get back to you as soon as possible.